Saturday, March 15, 2008

Watching Bob Dylan

As he sang, he enters what I think of as a shamanic trance. His eyes roll back, in time with the meter of his poetry.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

MYTH OR REALITY: The Physical Layer is the Most Static and Stable Area of the Data Center : - Virtualization Information

MYTH OR REALITY: The Physical Layer is the Most Static and Stable Area of the Data Center : - Virtualization Information: "MYTH OR REALITY: The Physical Layer is the Most Static and Stable Area of the Data Center 

OnPATH Technologies, a provider of leading automated connectivity solutions that enable a virtual infrastructure layer (VIL), utilized 20 years of experience solving complex data center physical layer challenges to compile a list of infrastructure insights that highlight common industry misconceptions about the physical layer. 

The top five myths about the physical layer of data centers include: . 
Myth #1: The physical layer of a data center is static and as a result, problem-free. . 
Myth #2: Most data center infrastructure issues are easily solved in the upper network layers or through virtualization of the endpoint devices. ...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's a long way between running around with the cuffs of my jeans rolled up and a red flannel shirt on the mesas of New Mexico, and wandering around downtown Palo Alto. Sometimes I need to remember that.